Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Field Notes-1 (2015)

   image considering for "mammals at the beach"

Well I had planned to keep this up, oh well. Here is an update.
Been working constantly occasionally getting good images, after endless efforts. But, how on earth do I present them - no clue still working on it - finding my way.  It is very difficult, I see details - trees and am often lost in a forest of ideas and juxtapositions poking around as if I had a divining rod - that will open a majic cave that contains a definitive answer. Or to cut to the chase I am endlessly perfectionistic.

Anyway here are some thoughts on my work of the last 3 yrs. or so and some images.  Projects seem to evolve for me over time and do not release me until they are finished with me. A few things the last 3 yrs or so.

First in the summer months I have been working on something called "mammals at the beach". I have a deep and warm affection for the ocean, hopefully these images speak to my feelings towards it. Here are some images from that work.  1-8 to include some diptychs.

Second, year round but mostly in the cooler months I've been working on "after life". It is hard to get to this age and not think about moving on, changing form or joining the collective clay with the others. Here are some from that body of work.  1-8 to include some diptychs.

Thirdly been continuing to work on ideas towards a book, had at least 1 publisher very interested in my work. We will see how the future unfolds. I am a little conflicted as to which body of work it would involve, I am moving towards the feeling it would cross between various portfolios or bodies of work. The title is still the same as my blurb book outing "tips & tales".

I am thinking, playing and working with images and combinations such as these below. The book I have in mind is color and rules out work from "after life".

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