Friday, August 9, 2013

photo-news (McCurry, Hosoe, Stewart)

I was long ago introduced to the work of Eikoh Hosoe (dark, brooding, mystical, theatrical....) I believe it was through Aperture.  Below is a link to some of his work from americansuburbx (one of my favorite blogs).

Eikoh Hosoe (

Below is someone's work I have been unaware of, Todd A. Stewart. Just brought to my attention through Lenscratch (another favorite).  I particularly like the easy flowing narrative I perceive here. My favorite time of year is summer and I can very much feel even the density of the air both emotionally and atmospherically here. This group of images effortlessly resonates with me.

Todd A. Stewart ( 

Well known for his NGM iconic cover image, here is a group of images from Steve McCurry's favorite part of the planet. He just seems to be in the air there....

Light of Faith

Friday, August 2, 2013

Field Notes-2 (2013)

"kid at ocean's edge" , (c) george elsasser

above (c) george elsasser 
portfolio: mammals at the beach  
image: womb

Updating a few things here:

June 2013 I enjoyed LOOK3 and seeing new friends I met in Charlottesville. I came back recharged as I hoped I would. If one has not been I find this a lonely journey, so an occasional festival is excellent way to connect with like minded spirits. The internet is fantastic for making friends in the bigger photography world.  Even if initially shy like me, festivals develop community despite it.  Many photographers are lone wolf types it seems.

Also June marked a new beginning for me, photographing bathers at the Ocean's edge. See; Mammals at the Beach.  I have worked a great deal at events at the beach area and have now for years but concentrating solely on the shore and the bathers is new for me.

There is something I am chasing or digging deeply for in these images but it is extremely hard for me to clearly define in words.  This always seems the case until years later. My work initially seems to be formally motivated to me but as time goes by I can see more clearly into deeper things I am circling with my images. 

People in candid situations has been something I have concentrated on with increasing intensity since 2005. That it grew from my paid wedding photography begun in 1996 is quite funny to me. Because if you told me way back when I would shoot weddings and really enjoy it, I would have told you no way Jay.  Just goes to show I have no idea where I am going, but that is the mystery the process brings endless surprises. Discovery is what excites me it is like an exploration not knowing what I will find.

Of course the weddings I was previously aware of were all photographed in very staged ways.  When I stumbled in that wedding door couples were looking for candid images - story telling work.  How strange life is.

July 2013

I've been extremely busy & inspired (not always the case), remaking my website so a busy curator or the like will find it easy to see text info & recent work.  That will free up this blog and change its organization for the better. 
Lets see since nobody really knows who I am & I am not a spring chicken, I am now doing  tumblr500px, to try and get the work out there. Will it help, we will see. I am enjoying tumblr it is fun and a good adjunct to a bigger blog. For some reason a quick post here escapes me. 

Being a strongly right brained person I really find digging in a garden more satisfying than desk work. The desk work is exhausting and if anything comes from it, it seems to not show up often.  In a garden I see the dirt and I move the dirt, "wow that felt good".  Here I push 0s &1s around in a strange black box, pull a cyber trigger, pray it hits a target and even better the right targets. Strange.

Sometimes I get so sick of this endless desk stuff I almost run screaming, camera in hand to be with my muse. I do hope I have a handful of readers and this effort isn't blowing down an empty cyber hallway.
I got my critical mass entry in & am happy with the statement & work, wish me luck.  If you have worked hard and developed along the way give it a try.  It might just keep some old (or young) dog's photographs from dying in a family closet. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

LOOK3 (2013 observations-1)

"look3 2013, photo festival" (c) george elsasser

LOOK3 2013 was a better balance of art photography and journalistic photography than last years mix.

Of course there are many labels used in photography and most are misleading and limiting at best but that was my impression.

One is not better than another it just seemed a little more 50/50 this year. I enjoy most forms of photography and consider it all good grist for the mill. I will attend and did attend most insight interviews regardless of labels. In fact I really appreciate the more mixed bag LOOK3 had for us this year.

What it seems you won't find at the LOOK3 insight type events are any primarily commercial photographers. What I mean here is all of the photographers have the love of making images in common first and generally have to find money to support the work or the life of the photographer.  This is different than photographers who get paid to make images that have a direct bearing on things such as sales as apposed to say history, anthropology and so on.

I found the print shows overall more formally beautiful last year than this, maybe this was content related.

"look3 2013 photo festival" (c) george elsasser

For my dollar I would have loved seeing more Gregory Crewdson prints (only 2 color pieces shown) lots of wall space was devoted to the technical things behind the images. It isn't that was not interesting to me, but I would prefer to read about it in a book or another form and seen the wall space used for more images. Although in the smaller room at Second Street Gallery there were a number of recent b&w prints, from his latest body of work. While on Crewdson, I have been aware of his work for sometime and would of liked to have a book of his. It seems to me when he first came to some prominence I was heavily into studying various painters. So given this opportunity (despite my lean financial [on sabbatical] lifestyle) I purchased books yet again at a LOOK3 event.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Field Notes-1 (2013)

"lady walking on beach promenade" (c) 2013 george elsasser

 Updating a few things here:

March - trip to Morocco, some images here: morocco

April - photolucida : I unfortunately and very frustratingly had to cancel due to health issues:

June - May(late) - photographing locally

June - heading to LOOK3 hope to see you there:

photo-book notes:   Updated book design to show at LOOK3 currently on hold, leaving for LOOK3 
lets see if collective creative energy in one place kicks in so I will do my desk work upon return.  

Notes on photo books 4-8-13 (when the fire was hot) prior to health issues taking me off course.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Field Notes-4 (2012)

"three people near edge of the grand canyon" (c) 2012 george elsasser

Here are some images from my recent Southwest trip.  In a place of such overwhelming power and sublimity the problem exists for me "How do I make interesting images that are different from the ones I have typically seen from these areas"?

Generally the ones I have seen are traditional landscape style images and are not my cup of tea. Not that making really good ones in that genre is remotely easy it is not, but there are plenty of great ones out there.

It is my hope to create new thoughts and feelings from a well worn photographic subject.  I hope occasionally I have succeeded.   Thanks for visiting, I will add more images here as time permits.

"image of a Sedona viewing shelter" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"moument valley trading post" (c) 2012 george elsasser

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Field Notes-3 (2012)

"man and unbrella" (c) 2012 george elsasser

Some images I made in Atlanta that I'm interviewing with many more in the woodshed.  Some are more singular images while others have more of a strait document feeling. To note I enjoyed chatting with many friendly people from the city it is a great town wish I had more time there.  I was also able to spend some time working on the road this summer in Charlotte, Durham, Gatlinburg and Ashville.

I don't think any of these are keepers but I am getting my feet wet with new software, new PC, new OS, add infi-NIGHTMARE!  Yes its Pita time once again.  Wow what a time we live in, it should keep all our brains very sharp.

I have a trip coming up, going to the southwest/4 corners area so that should be interesting. Don't think you will find any great American landscapes from me but we will see, last trip there was an eye opener.

"man with headache" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"escalator" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"glass doorway" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"construction tunnel" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"traditional column in modern city" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"orange repair vechicles" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"store window" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"man walking in city" (c) 2012 george elsasser

"red shoes" (c) 2012 george elsasser